Public accident scene with shattered glass, yellow ladder, and emergency vehicle present.

Accidents at a Public Place​

Making a compensation claim following a slip, trip, or fall at a public place.

Slips, trips, and falls are amongst the most common types of personal injury claims, mainly because there are so many hazards in the public domain that can cause you to slip, trip, or fall in everyday life. They can happen anytime, anywhere, including:

  • At a shop or supermarket 
  • At work
  • At a public place or outdoor event
  • At a private or public car park
  • At school or within the school grounds
  • In someone else’s home

These incidents can be very painful and, in some cases, cause severe injury, particularly in the elderly.

In order to make a claim for compensation you will need to be able to show that the slip or trip you experienced was caused by someone who breached their duty of care to you and this resulted in you suffering an injury to yourself along with other losses.

Loss can take the form of:

  • Lost wages due to time off work
  • Loss of future earnings due to disability
  • Care and assistance
  • Psychological distress
  • The incurrence of medical costs

Can I Claim Compensation?

The answer to this question is that it depends on some very simple factors.  If you trip over something that would ordinarily be there, such as a kerb or a low wall, then you will struggle to be able to blame someone else for your misfortune. The same applies to slipping on a wet floor if signs are displayed, warning you that the floor is wet.  It is your own responsibility to heed those warnings and no one else can be held responsible for an accident arising from such a fall, but yourself.

However, if there are no wet floor signs despite there being a reasonable opportunity to place them, or you trip over a kerb stone that is out of place, maybe even a pothole, or something that shouldn’t be there, then you may have grounds for compensation.  If the accident was preventable by a third party taking reasonable precautions and they have failed to do so, then they could be held financially accountable for your suffering or injury.

Our panel Solicitors have many years of experience distinguishing between the two scenarios described above and will assess your situation quickly and efficiently so you know whether you have a valid claim.

Claiming for Personal Injury

Whilst the money won in a compensation claim is obviously useful and can help to pay for treatment of your injuries or maintain your quality of life. It is also about receiving justice and ensuring that such accidents do not happen again. In highlighting a situation, your claim could prevent others from suffering the same misfortune by forcing the person responsible to take action to rectify the situation.

At RU1NJURED our panel Solicitors specialise in slip and trip compensation claims. Our panel Solicitors experience and expertise mean that we can help you to get the compensation that you deserve and enable you to get on with your life.

If you would like advice on whether you may be able to make a claim, then get in touch with us today at 0800 955 18 27, or fill in this enquiry form and our panel Solicitors will come straight back to you.